Monday, 1 October 2012

Homework - Stories on cover and in contents

Cover page:
One main story, welcoming the new students to Bishop Ramsey. Underneath examples of how the magazine will be helpful to them. E.g pictures of important places in the school, information on school clubs and helpful contacts. One main picture.
Also on the cover page smaller stories and pictures to make other people in the school interested in buying the magazine. E.g articles about things that are happening in the new year, information on the things they need to know, new teachers etc. Smaller pictures around the smaller headlines.

Contents page:
The articles I'm going to include are:
  1. Welcome to the new year 7's
  2. Welcome to the new sixth formers
  3. Getting around
  4. Things and places to know
  5. New clubs
  6. New teachers
  7. New facilities
  8. Changes to the school
  9. Chess championships won!
  10. Dance competition lost!
  11. The olympics!
  12. The summer
  13. Coming  up
  14. Interview with Mr Wilcock
  15. Interview with year 8 student
  16. Interview with year 13 student
  17. Helpful contacts to get you through the next year

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