Monday, 1 October 2012

School magazine

My ideal reader:
My ideal reader would be male or female, although I think females would be more likely to buy and read the magazine.  Young boys would be more likely to just get on with things at a new school rather then wanting to  read to find out information about that the school. They will be aged between 11 and 18 as that will be years 7 to 13. The ideal reader will be someone who is new to the school in years 7 or 12 as  the magazine will have a lot about the school and a lot of new information that people who are already at the school may not want to know or will be less interested in. The ideal reader should be quite smart as well and like reading information rather than fiction as it will be a magazine full of information. They should also follow rules and dress smartly as they are new to the school and want to behave.

The typical day for my reader:
Wakes up and looks forward to going to school. Gets ready for school and is never late, gets everything organised for school the day before so everything in the morning is calm and relaxed. Go to school and not get into any trouble. Has a quiet lunch with their friends and always gets back to lessons on time. Goes home and starts studying or doing homework straight away. Does all the homework they get in that day no matter when it is due in. Watches tv and gets ready for bed. Reads before going to bed at 9-10. Wakes up the next day and does it all again.

Summing my magazine up in one word:

30 second pitch:
This magazine is full of all the information you are going to need to survive at Bishop Ramsey. Starting a new school can be scary whether you are a year 7 or a year 12 but this magazine has everything you need to know and much more.  Not forgetting the students that are already here, the magazine is filled with the things that are coming up in the next year as well as the new groups and activities going on. The magazine also has interviews with Mr Wilcock answering all the questions you've ever wanted to know about him and Bishop Ramsey so don't miss it. The interview is the first in the history of Bishop Ramsey and will never be seen again! Don't miss out!

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